Watson Savage Family

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Watson Lewis Savage

b. November 26, 1859 d. January 11, 1931

Ella Whiting Savage

b. 1865 d. 1944

married: October 26, 1887 Manhattan, NY


Dorothy Davis (1891 - 1983)
John Whiting (1893 - 1980)
Richard Billings (1894 - 1972) (married Ruth Browning)
Child (*1895 - before 1900) (Ralph or Helen?)
Watson Lewis Jr (1898 - 1939)
Kirkwood Hallock (1903 - 1994) (Married Marie L. Swagerman)

Watson Savage family. They had two children born before Dorothy but who died as infants

Savage Headstone, Greenwich, CT

Savage family plot in Old Greenwich, CT (First Congregational Church of Greenwich)-- Watson Savage and Ella Whiting Savage, Kirkwood Savage & wife Marie Swagerman Savage, and Kirk's other siblings: {Jack (never married), Dorothy Savage (never married), and others}. Mary Savage Webber, Dorie Savage Moore, (& spouse Bill Moore) and more...

Savage headstone
Photo courtesy of Karen Morris McQuiston, granddaughter of Kirkwood.