Watson Lewis Savageb. November 26, 1859 d. January 11, 1931 |
b. 1865 d. 1944 |
married: October 26, 1887 Manhattan, NY | |
ChildrenDorothy Davis (1891 - 1983) |
Watson Savage family. They had two children born before Dorothy but who died as infants
Savage family plot in Old Greenwich, CT (First Congregational Church of Greenwich)-- Watson Savage and Ella Whiting Savage, Kirkwood Savage & wife Marie Swagerman Savage, and Kirk's other siblings: {Jack (never married), Dorothy Savage (never married), and others}. Mary Savage Webber, Dorie Savage Moore, (& spouse Bill Moore) and more...
Photo courtesy of Karen Morris McQuiston, granddaughter of Kirkwood.