William Redfield Family

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William Redfield

b: March 26, 1789, d: February 12, 1857

Abigail Wilcox

b: Feb. 24, 1797, d: May 12, 1819

married: Oct. 15, 1814 

John Howard Redfield, b: July 10, 1815
William Redfield, b: May 1817. died as a child of 2
Charles Bailey Redfield, b: November 18, 1818
Samuel Redfield, b: 1821, son of second wife Lucy Wilcox

Family Notes

William C. Redfield

William C. Redfield was born in Middletown in 1789, the eldest of five children of sea captain Peleg Sanford. He resided in the Maromas section of Middletown until Peleg Sanford died in 1802 at 40. William, then 13, began his harness-making apprenticeship in Cromwell, then the Upper Houses Society of Middletown.

The events that led William C. Redfield to fame as a meteorological pioneer as well as his successes in Steamboat building and other scientific areas are described by his eldest son in the autobiographical "Recollections of John Howard Redfield.''

A document signed by Sally Wilcox Savage names Redfiield as the executor for Capt. Absalom Savage's estate after his death.