George Henry Butler Family

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George & Lucinthia Butler

Ernest, Kate, Anna, George

Family Information

George Henry Butler: b: October 26, 1820. d. December 11, 1905
Lucinthia Hutchinson Butler: b: April 8, 1827. d: February 18, 1907

Married: circa 1854

Ernest: born 1855
Kate: born 1858
Anna Lucinthia b: 1864 d: 1867
George: born March 20, 1866

Decendants of Sylvester Butler and Ann (Butler) Butler


Prominent Resident of Cromwell for Many Years

OBITUARY (probably in the Penny Press- Middletown, CT)

Deacon George Henry Butler passed away peacefully Monday night (December 11, 1905), at his home in Cromwell. Until Saturday, Mr. Butler was about attending to the business of his farm as usual, although he failed considerably Thursday and Friday.

Deacon Butler was born at Cromwell; then Middletown Upper Houses, October 26, 1820. Where the Butler homestead then stood the Connecticut River now runs. In 1828 his father, Sylvester Butler, built the house now occupied by J.W,Gardner, on the "Plains," and since that time Mr. Butler has resided in that part of the town.

In 1854 he married Lucinthia, oldest daughter of Dr. Ira Hutchinson, and established a home opposite his father's, where they have lived together for over 51 years. Of their four children, Anna died in infancy, Ernest P. Butler and Mrs. Kate H. Warner live at the old home, and George S. Butler lives nearby. They have five living grand-children.

Deacon Butler was a man of exceptional mental ability and poise, of sterling integrity and rare Christian grace, tact and character. For nearly fifty years he has been a deacon in the Congregational church, of which he has been a devoted adherent since his early manhood; for over thirty years he was the able and efficient superintendent of its Sunday school. Throughout his life he has been a constant attendant upon all the services of his church, until the infirmities of age compelled him to deny himself the privilege he so greatly esteemed.

Naturally of a disposition which shuns publicity, he has held but few town offices, although taking an active part in all that he considered best for his native town. His voice and vote could always be counted on for honor, honesty, education, temperance and righteousness.

Love was the ruling motive of his life. To his God, his church, his country, his family and friends, and to the needy people with whom he came in contact, he gave himself, his love, his means far beyond what most of us would deem our ability, and in his great loving heart carried to his Heavenly Father the needs of those whom his hand could not reach.

The widow, standing by the bedside of her husband, as he slept peacefully away to his reward, said, with seeming triumphant pride, "He giveth his beloved sleep."

"Let me die the death of the righteous and let my last end be his."

Lucinthia Hutchinson Butler - Obituary