Somewhere around the Fall of 1995 Susan Czaja came across several shoe boxes full of letters from grandfather Sylvester Butler in the attic of the family homestead in Cromwell CT. Since many of the family had email accounts, Sue got the idea to start typing the letters up and sending them to us. Our niece Brett Rabideau was starting up a "dot com" and gave us a group mailing list to facilitate sending out the letters. In the spring of 1996 I got the idea (though perhaps Brett also made the suggestion) that the letters had enough historical significance that we should put the letters together as a website. Brett offered to give us space for the site on The bulk of the typing was provided by Susan Czaja and Ruby Smale, though both Jacqueline Zeppieri and I typed up several months worth.
Expansion of the site was almost inevitable. Since childhood our parents and grandparents had instilled in us a sense of our connection to history and genealogy: the homestead in Cromwell was rarely called the house; our great-grandfathers had been missionaries and school builders, doctors and railroad superintendents, sea captains and Deacons; our great-great grandmother had designed the Vermont state seal. A very early memory is of the family tree available on the G.S.Butler family page. In short, I wanted to do my part for capturing and passing on family history. Thus was born the family tree section.
Some of the information on this site comes from "The Family Laundry" newsletter, one of my first attempts at sending out family legends in the days before email became so ubiquitous. Susan gets credit for taking the newsletter idea further by suggesting that each month the 5 Butler kids should rotate writing it and send it to the rest of the family. Tolbert Butler's contribution was written on a trip from Maryland to Wisconsin the week after his son Luke was born.
The death of our mother in the summer of 1998, brought a couple other additions: a biography and Nathan Butler's addition of the Art of Jacqueline W. Butler
In early spring of 2000, Brett and I began discussing the idea of registering for a unique domain name. We bantered about the ideas of,, and among several others. In what I felt was a rather suspicious turn of events, was available in mid-April when I did a search on its availability, but two weeks later it was being reserved by an internet company that sells domain names. It was Jacqueline Zeppieri who suggested the CromwellButlers idea.
The sons and daughters of Sewall and Jackie Butler live in 3 corners of the country, but through this site and our mailing list have remained a close and connected family.
David Butler, Website host
The Butler family site has received the following honors,
achievements or helped in the research and publishing of several
books. This page is our chance to show off these accomplishments.
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