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S.B.Butler's AEF Scrapbook:
Company D of the 301st Supply Train

Company D at Fort Devons


Commanding officer(s)

Lt. Greene

Lt. Daly

Lieutenant James T. Greene.
September 1917 to February 1919

Lieutenant Raymond J. Daly.
February 1919 to June 1919


Abbot Herbert F 1st Lieutenant  
Anderson Chris P Private 1st class Hackensack, NJ
Bennet Reginald Cook Branchville, CT
Bogikas George Cook Fitchburg, MA
Burrill Harry E Private 1st class Chicopee, MA
Chandler Merle N Corporal Livermore Falls, ME
Daly Raymond J Lieutenant Riverside, CT
Dicantia Tony Private Woonsocket, RI
Enright William E Private 1st class Windsor, VT
Gaffey Frederick Corporal Brighton, MA
Galligan Joseph F Corporal Somerville, MA
Garlick E Earle Lieutenant Bridgeport, CT
Gazette Alfred A Sergeant Boston, MA
Geragosian David Private 1st class Bethlehem, PA
Gill Roger J Corporal Beverly, MA
Gill William C Corporal Dorchester, MA
Gillar William Private Chelsea, MA
Goralsky Benjamyn Corporal Chicago, IL
Gotz Alexander Corporal Chelsea, MA
Gould William H Sergeant Fitchburg, MA
Greene James T Lieutenant Woonsocket, RI
Gross John A Corporal East Boston, MA
Grover Milton L Corporal Chelsea, MA
Hartnett John F Sergeant Amherst, MA
Heron John J Corporal East Boston, MA
Hood Ralph C Sergeant Roxbury, MA
Howland George W Sergeant 1st class (later 2nd Lt Inf) Brockton, MA
Hutchinson Joseph Corporal East Boston, MA
Johnson Arthur R Corporal Jamaica Plain, MA
Kaplan Morris Private Somerville, MA
Karle Harlod L Corporal Dorchester, MA
Keefe David L Corporal Boston, MA
Kelly George G Corporal Lowell, MA
Kerrig Joseph E Private Lynn, MA
Kosick Stanislaw Private New Bedford, MA
Kosminsky Benjamin Private Roxbury, MA
Lavin Joseph W Corporal Rosindale, MA
Law Wallace G Private Elba, AL
Loftus Anthony Private 1st class Cambridge, MA
Long Jack D Private 1st class Roxbury, MA
Loughnane Patrick J Corporal Dorchester, MA
MacDonald Raymond J Corporal Roxbury, MA
Mahoney James Private Brighton, MA
Marchione Raffaele Private 1st class Lowell, MA
Marley Frank G Corporal Dorchester, MA
McClellan Harold P Sergeant Roxbury, MA
McDonough Patrick J Corporal South Boston, MA
McGee John T Corporal Roxbury, MA
McGuiggan Francis J Corporal Charlestown, MA
McSharry John Corporal Braintree, MA
Murphy Peter F Private Achusnet, MA
Murray Leo M Private 1st class Houlton, ME
Nitsche Elmer C Private 1st class Bridgeport, CT
Nugent Frederick T Corporal Cambridge, MA
Nuttall Fred R Corporal Fall River, MA
O'Brien Fred A Private Lowell, MA
Petrin Alexander Corporal Biddeford, MA
Pierce Charles T Corporal Chelsea, MA
Reardon Timothy J Private Braintree, MA
Regan William F Cook Boston, MA
Rooney Thomas G Private Hyde Park, MA
Ross Harry J Corporal Dorchester, MA
Russell Fred L Private Somerville, MA
Russell Harry G Sergeant Brighton, MA
Scaramella Nicholas Corporal East Boston, MA
Schoonmaker Wardell A Private 1st class Hudson, NY
Schuster William Private Lowell, MA
Shaughnessy Patrick S Corporal Brighton, MA
Sheltry Leon Private 1st class Boston, MA
Silvia Anthony R Corporal Oak Bluffs, MA
Smith Harry Sergeant 1st class Boston, MA
Stewart Jr William J Private 1st class Leominster, MA
Stone James H Private 1st class Marblehead, MA
Tessier Roy Corporal Brookline, MA
Tilley Malcolm E Sergeant (died at Officers' Training Camp) Brockton, MA
Walsh Joseph A Private Auburn, MA
Wing Edward H Private  

Company D Briefs

No one will forget Major Schoonmaker and the flying barber kit. On several Saturday morning inspections he had made unfavorable references to litter under the bunks. Finally an order went forth that no more articles should be kept there at all, and proceeded to devote the next inspection especially to that matter. Thru barracks after barracks he went, finding all clear spaces, until he came to one corner on the second floor of Company D's abode. A huge box under the corner bed. A pause. A look. A quick decision. A few swift movements and out the window went the company barber's kit of tools, which it had been taken for granted was exempt from the ruling.

Company D was the chief defender of Hogan's Alley in Le Havre, a famous line of portable trucks used as the headquarters for the various companies. Harry Smith, first sergeant of Company D was Mayor of the Alley, and from him went forth an edict that none should enter of leave its sacred precincts without a pass. Pyrenes were the frowning fortifications that constituted the defense of the Mayor's decrees. However, all this didn't prevent stuffing up a few chimneys upon occasion.

< a name="loughnane">Corporal Patrick J. Loughnane

The following images were sent by John Loughnane, grandson of Corporal Loughnane.

Full certificate with an excerpt from a December 4, 1917 speach by President Wilson.

A close up of the text shows that Loughnane's last name was mispelled. The certificate is signed by 1st Lt. W. D. June and 2nd Lt. James T. Greene. Judging by the date of the quote and the fact that Lt. June became a Captain in early April of 1918, these certificates must have been awarded sometime between January and March of 1918.

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