Butler Family

Dedicated to the ancestors and descendants of Sewall Tolbert Butler & Jacqueline Williams Butler of Cromwell CT

Sewall T. Butler Jacqueline W. Butler
Family tree gallery S.B.Butler Letters AEF Scrapbook
Our Family Tree Photo Gallery Sewall & Jacqueline Butler (1942) S.B.Butler Letters S.B.Butler's
AEF Scrapbook
Bios Letters Birthdays homestead Artwork of JWB Search
Biographies Family Letters Family Birthdays Savage/Butler Homestead Artwork of Jacqueline Butler Search

The Butler families include the Zeppieri, Czaja, Rabideau, and Williams clans We also include Logue, Bess, Stapleton and when looking to the grandchildren and great grand children. Direct ancestors include House, Lutz and Savage. Cousins in the Bliss, Brown, Coe, Carroll, Parke and Warner families should try the Search page to find family references on the site.
The Williams genealogy was kept alive through the hard work of the late Rev. Edward H. Williams IV. Parts of his work appear in the biographies section. See the GEDCOM built from his work on the decendants of Robert Williams of Roxbury Massachusetts.

What's new on the Butler Family site

February 10, 2025

Added information and images to pages for Watson Savage, Kirkwood Savage and Nancy Savage Morris. Information was provided by Karen Morris McQuiston, daugter of Nancy Savage Morris.

December 29, 2024

Continuing to add pages for brides connected with a family wedding dress (Ethel House Bliss) as well as a typewritten document I discovered that claims the dress is even older.

December 28, 2024

Added a page for the John Henry Hpuse, Jr. to connect his daughter Elizabeth to the rest of the family tree.

December 26, 2024

Added a page for the Elizabeth House Courtney who was one of the brides to wear the 1843 Wedding dress. Also came across a picture of Mom and Dad returning from Albuquerque, NM and added it to the Jackie and Sewall biography page.

December 19, 2024

Added a page for the Wedding dress our mother wore. Updated the John and Alida Savage page with a photo and information about their son Ralph and daughter Ruth.

November 16, 2024

Updated the Spotlight section on the home page to highlight the story of Nathaniel Savage.

October 17, 2024

Added a baby picture to the Olive Williams Parke page. Also added code to show recent updates on the home page.

August 20, 2024

Added an image to the George S. Butler to show an award his company won at the Pan-American Exposition of 1901.

May 24, 2024

Added pages for Kirkwood Savage who is related to us through Ralph Buckley Savage's son, Watson. Also added a page for Watson's wife, Ella Whiting Savage.

April 6, 2024

Added an article about a Kittlekaw ceremony held at Tomaquag in honor of Eva Butler.

April 4, 2024

Added photo of Sewall Butler on the merchant ship William S. Eaton, as well as a photo of damage the ship took during a hurricane.

September 12, 2023

Found that our search script no longer worked. Replaced in with a simple call to Google search engine. Also updated the Spotlight section on the index page to point to Absalom Savage's biography.

May 20, 2022

Updated several Carroll family pages to add some missing deaths and marriages. Submitted by Nancy Huse Weinreich.

February 26, 2022

Added pages to the family tree to show our connection to Abijah Savage. Our ancestor Absalom was supposed to be named for him, but a slip up at Baptism gave Absalom his name.

February 8, 2022

Added a page to fill out the story of our family's time and house in Castine Maine.

December 10, 2021

Added obituaries for Gladys H. Williams and Sarah Savage. Also an article about the Barn warming party given to friends by George Pruden Savage. Added a new picture of Gladys Williams to Gallery page 14. Lastly a page with notes by Eva L. Butler about our ancestors on the Hartford Founders monument.

March 6, 2021

Added a page for some articles about my father's run for First Selectman of Cromwell in 1971. Also an article about Nathan Butler going to Greece in 1972.

February 14, 2021

Added a page for some articles and photos of Tomaquag Museum.

April 3, 2020

Added a short biography for Jean Adeline Williams (my mother's sister). Also added a photo of Sylvester's AEF scrapbook and a picture of him looking out of his tent in Orval France. Updated the spotlight section on the index page.

March 28, 2020

Changed the navigation bar to be a menu button, as part of the smart phone friendly upgrades.

March 21, 2020

Some housecleaning and more code clean up to make the site "smart phone friendly."

May 7, 2017

Added a biographical sketch for Absalom Savage, with a link to it on the Biographies page.

November 25, 2016

Added a speech given to friends by George Pruden Savage with a link to it on the Family Letters page.

November 28, 2015

Updated the Spotlight section and added a link to Ancestry.com's Tree maker section on the index page. Added a link to Tomaquag Museum in Eva Butler's biography.

February 19, 2015

Added 60th Anniversary article to George and Carrie Butler's page. Added Obituary to George and Lucinhia Butler's page.

February 12, 2015

Added a page for William C. Redfield, brother in law to Absalom and Sally Wilcox Savage. Added a note to Absalom's page.

January, 2015

Updated and added pages for the children of Ralph Bulkley Savage. Added page for George Slocum Folger Savage (brother of Ralph Bulkley Savage). Added Letters between Absalom Savage and his wife Sally. Added a family page for Nathaniel Savage Jr. as well as a Letter from Nathaniel Savage Jr. concerning his father's imprisonment and escape from a British prison ship.

December, 2014

Added a scan of Eva Lutz Butler's obituary to the Sylvester B. Butler page. Added scan of George S. Butler and the Middletown High class of 1884 to the Gallery page.

June, 2014

Began adding code changes to make the site more accessable to smart phones and other handheld devices. Most letters pages are now more readable on such devices. I will continue adding pages and refining the formatting.

May, 2014

Added obituary for Sewall T. Butler.

July, 2013

Made some minor updates regarding Olive Williams to the E. H. Williams, Jr pages.

April/October, 2010

Added optimized pages that smart phones (such as iPods and Androids) will see as the home page and search page. Also fixed a bug on the search page that was preventing the navigation buttons from showing.

June, 2009

Added a note to the Ralph S. Butler page after finding out the names of Winnifred's mother and father.

May, 2009

I found an article among S. B. Butler's files regarding how Zo Elliott came to write "There's a Long, Long Trail." Added a page with info and added a link to the letters of May 1917.

March, 2009

Made a fix to the John House page to correct the birth date of Gladys House Williams.

March, 2008

Added a page to show some tree work we had done.

December, 2007

Updated the renovation page that shows the bathroom. Updated the homestead pages to re-arrange some photos that seemed mis-placed or else better placed on a different page. Most affected was the barn reconstruction page.

November, 2007

Added pages for the children of Ralph S. Butler. Updated the Spotlight section to highlight Susan's work on the Cromwell CT High School Alumni website. Added full letter from Pierre Leroy concerning his father, the sculptor, Emile-André Leroy, along with photos of his father and grandfather.

October, 2007

Updated the August 1916 and September 1916 letters pages with information about Ernest Binks and his wife Flora (also known as Tot). Also added a picture of Absalom and Sally Savage's grave markers to the Absalom Savage page.

August, 2007

Web hosting moved from Periwinkle Communications to Host Papa. I liked them because they are a web-hosting company that uses Green energy sources (such as solar and wind energy) to power their servers as well as their offices. Additionally since they are a Canadian company and I paid with a credit card, I was able to take advantage of the currancy rate. The Art of Jacqueline Butler was broken at first, but I now have all the files uploaded, including an additional painting she did of David Butler.

June, 2007

Updated several of the renovations pages. Also updated the Spotlight section to highlight a letter by Eva that is being used on blandings.org.uk, a site devoted to P.G. Wodehouse..

April, 2007

Updated list of Dad's ships in the Merchant Marines (Added the ship "Felix Grundy" based on a document we found on Ancestry.com.).

February, 2007

Updated the Spotlight section of the home page to show the Semaphore and Signals book that uses excerpts from the S. B. Butler letrers. Also added the information to the About page.

September, 2006

Removed page for Leffert Carroll at request of family.

Summer, 2006

Added pages for renovations to the Savage/Butler Homestead and for it's 200th anniversary and family reunion.

March, 2006

Added a note to the report from Fred Levisieur to S. B, Butler with a correction sent by Pierre Leroy.

November/December, 2005

Added page for Mary Ann Savage Andrus. Updated Jerusha Sage Gear page with information about Jane Woodruff Preston and her husband Ira Mills Preston. Added the Smale family tree.

October, 2005

Added page for Jesse Williams. Updated photos on Alan and Polly Carroll page, including a wedding photo. Broke out pages for William, Morris and Leffert Carroll. Also broke out Savage family pages for Charles Cassee John, Frank, Watson, and Elizabeth

September, 2005

Broke out pages for Jacob Breish, Thomas Breish, Peter Bemis and Amory Leland families. They had formerly been added to the bottom of other pages. Also moved all family tree images to a separate folder to make my life easier when working on site.

June, 2005

Added a photo of a gravestone that pertains to S. B. Butler's letter of June 1917. Sent by Joanne Wilson.

February/March, 2005

Added a report by Nathan Butler on our Lutz ancestors in Schoenaich, Germany. Further information from Nathan and Susan Czaja led me to expand the Lutz pages and give John George and Caspar Lutz their own pages. This information use to be crowded onto the William Lutz page. Also added a "ghost" photo for Caspar Lutz to the family tree page.

December, 2004

Added a couple details to the Sewall and Jacqueline Butler biography page.

October, 2004

Reformatted the home page to get all icons on one screen.

July, 2004

Added photos of Marge and Mason Huse family. See each child page for all the new pictures. Made minor tweaks to the Family tree page. Added generic images for people we don't have pictures of, but do have information. Added pages for John House III and John House IV Added the text of Deacon Richard Butler's Will. Based on a trip to Orient NY by Nathan Butler, we discovered that our pictures of Rev. Daniel Beers and Henry Newell Beers were reversed. A picture of Daniel hangs in the Congregational Church of Orient.

June, 2004

Added a photo to the Warner family page and updated the Geo. S. Butler descendants.and Birthdays pages with information from Linda Brown Eudy. Added link to Benjamin Butler story on the Biography page and a link on the Benjamin Butler page to a story of a Butler family in the Bahamas discovered by Scott and Christy Bess.

April/May, 2004

Added photos of the new barn that is nearly complete to the Homestead section. Also added a Gallery page of the memorial to the veteran's of WWI on the Cromwell town green.

March, 2004

Updated the Geo. S. Butler descendants.and Birthdays pages with information from Barbara Butler Emptage. Uploaded an unzipped version of the Williams GedCom. Added two new sound bytes to the Voices page: one for Gladys Williams and the other for Edward Williams III.

February, 2004

Updated the Spotlight section to highlight the recent book "Fort Devens" by William Craig which includes S.B.Butlers biography and photo.

December, 2003

Updated the Spotlight section to highlight the recent book "Planting your Family Tree Online" which includes a mention of the our site. Added a News section to the "About" page as a place to keep the achievements of the site.

November, 2003

Added dates to Descendants of Edward H. Williams Jr page, supplied by Lee Magruder. Added links to a set of letters from Tol Butler and family while they were in Moscow, Russia. Updated Spotlight to highlight the recent book "More than Petticoats" which includes a biography of Eva Lutz Butler, our grandmother.

September, 2003

Made updates to some of the early Butler ancestor pages based on information sent by visitor Marcia Butler Daniels; descendant of John Butler (1648 - 1731) through his son Benjamin Butler (1673 - 1750). Added a testimonial section on Edward H. Williams IV page.

August, 2003

Made updates to the Company B and Company F pages of the AEF section. A couple of small tweaks to the John Henry House page, some updates from Susan Czaja and another by visitor Wade Collier.

July, 2003

Added some background information on the Czaja family, and changed the photos on the page. Began adding anecdotes from S. B. Butler's 301st Supply Train book to several pages in the AEF section. Added pictures to Gallery page 6: One with the web master and his grandfather at Yale; the other of Sylvester and Eva with great-granddaughter Brett Rabideau. Further enhancement to the Search feature: The results page now contains a Search box after the list of pages. Added 4-generation pictures to Gallery page 8 of the John House's. Added a new Family tree page for Lewis and Amy Tennant Strickland, parents of Sarah Strickland Savage.

June, 2003

A letter and certificate from John Loughnane, grandson of a soldier in the 301st supply train inspired me to update the Company D page of the AEF section. Made some formatting changes to the Search results page to make it simpler and clearer. It now returns a message if no pages are found that match a search.

May, 2003

After hearing from cousin Meghan McCullough and getting some of her family information I added a page for Descendants of Edward H. Williams Jr. It parallels the page set up for Geo. S. Butler.

February, 2003

Finished up the sweep looking for the word "Gramp." Added the newest family members names (Johnathan James Burtchell and Aiden Butler) to the birthday list.. Changed the spotlight to a review of the site by Family Tree Magazine. Minor redesign of the Family Tree page to better align descendants. Replaced a link to the Indian and Colonial Research Center on the Eva Lutz biography page.

January, 2003

Updated Copyright notice. Added an Index page for the GEDcoms. Started doing a sweep through the site to find references to "Gramp" and have them make more sense; Either by changing them to Sylvester or attributing the note to one of his grandchildren. In doing so, I also spotted places where I could add links between some of his letters and pictures we have added to the Gallery.

December, 2002

Added page for voices of the past. A set of recordings made by Eva Butler and others. Changed Spotlight to the voices page. Added a clip of Sylvester playing piano to voices page. Also added links to relevant pages pointing to the voices pages. Added a new Gallery page 20 with pictures of the Butler and Brown children in 1958. Added a Butler family picture to Gallery page 9.

November, 2002

Added page for Dan and Jen Czaja, and added Jen's name to the birthday and descendants lists.

August, 2002

Made updates (fixed typos, added links) to several pages. Added images of Gramp's "40 hommes et 8 chevaux" membership card to gallery page 5. Moved picture of Chateau de la Lande to the page of letters from the Marquise de la Roche. Made updates to the Family tree icon and the AEF scrapbook icon on the main page. Changed Spotlight to the John Savage and Elizabeth Dubbin page.

July, 2002

Added pages for ancestors of Sally Wilcox, wife of Absolam Savage, going back to John Savage and Elizabeth Dubbin. She is, in fact, related to three of John Savage and Elizabeth Dubbin's children. Added a diagram to both the John Savage and Absalom Savage pages showing the connection graphically.

June, 2002

Added pages for ancestors of Absolam Savage, going back to John Savage and Elizabeth Dubbin, John Savage was a founder of Middletown Upper Houses (now Cromwell, CT).

May, 2002

Made updates (fixed typos, added links and a few explanations) to the 1940's letters of Sewall and Jackie Butler page.

April, 2002

Added a "Quick Search" to the index page. Fixed some typos spotted on the sbel0619.htm page.

March, 2002

Made updates to the Vernon Bond Carroll page, adding updates provided by David Carroll and Leffert Carroll IV.

February, 2002

Updated Burt and Lucinthia Butler Carroll page with Carroll family information supplied by Leffert Carroll IV. Changed the Spotlight section of the home page to point to SBButler letters of the destruction in Northern France. Added some Library of Congress information to the Eva L. Butler and Professor Williams pages. Removed broken link to the Indian and Colonial Research Center. Added a page for Andy and Joanna Czaja. Added wedding photos to each of the Sewall and Jackie Butler children pages. Added photos to Gallery 13 and Gallery 14. Added a page for Scott and Christy Bess.

January, 2002

Minor tweaks. Updated Copyright notice. Fixed link on E.H.Williams Jr. page. Added the AEF Scrapbook to the navigation bar at the top of all main pages.

October, 2001

Made further updates to the Benjamin Butler page, adding more documents pertaining to the French Spoliation Claims. Added a page with letters from Lucinthia Butler to her son Ernest. and added that page to the Family letters page. Also removed broken link on the Home page. Added photos of St. James church in Egerton, England to the Parson John House biography. Added a Spotlight section on the home page and made the French Spoliation claims the first spotlight.

September, 2001

Made updates to the Benjamin Butler page, adding info about the seizure of his boat by the French in 1798. Also added several GEDCOMs to the Family tree page..

July, 2001

Made updates to the Jerusha Sage Gear letters page..

May, 2001

Added pages for the children and grandchildren of Marjorie Carroll Huse.

April, 2001

Added a section of pages for Lucinthia Butler Carroll and her children and grandchildren, Added some photos to a "Carroll Family" page. Added a couple mock-ups of a re-built barn at the Butler family homestead.

March, 2001

A trip to the Homestead inspired numerous updates. Added pages for Daniel Beers and Henry Newell Beers. Added gallery pages for Edward H. Williams 1 to IV and Cornelia Bailey Pratt Williams. Added a page to the Homestead section for the Key being handed down. as well as a picture of the house after the 1938 hurricane in CT. Updated the Ralph B. Savage biography. Some tweaks to Descendants of George S. Butler page. Added to the Multi-generations gallery page. Updated the Biography page. Added biography for Edward H. Williams III. Added Obituary for Charles Cassee Savage, youngest son of Absalom. Susan wrote short biographies for the children of John Henry House and children of E.H.Williams Jr. Also updated the Bemis children information and added George Henry Butler's obituary. Added new photos to Eva Lutz gallery page, the George and Carrie Butler page and the Edward and Gladys Williams page. Updated the "Scenes from St. Amand" page to include Now and Then photos. Added a photo of Chateau Neuf to the Leviseur letter.

February, 2001

Added a biography to the Ralph B. Savage pages and a link to it on the Biography page. Added a photo of the house in 1902 and the barn in 1910 to the Homestead pages. Added revisions provided by Barbara Butler Emptage to the Birthday page and Descendants of George and Carrie page. Added a new gallery page with a picture of the Nathanial White school class of 1902.

January, 2001

Minor tweaks to the Ralph B. Savage and George S. Butler pages. Updated Copyright notice. Fixed a typo (Spelling of towns) in the SBButler letter for October, 1918, based on a readers feedback.

November, 2000

Implemented a new look for the site's homepage. Added some technical bits to make the Navigation buttons and copyright easier to update. Added updates to AEF site to include names of some of SBButler's Plattsburgh buddies and links to related letters. Added picture of Eva Lutz. Added some information to G.S. Butler biography from notes of a conversation with Sewall T. Butler. Added thumbnails to the Gallery page.

October, 2000

Added a section for Family letters. Added a memorium to Uncle Ned and a biographical sketch. Added a French translation to the page of the unknown friend of S.B.Butler in St Amand. Added a link to a Cromwell CT site (no longer active).

September, 2000

Added and updated to the S.B.Butler AEF Scrapbook . Added pictures from Plattsburg training camp, and a Camp Devens brochure and photos from 301st Supply Train reunion banquets. Also added "Alt-tags" to the Family tree photos. On most browsers, the name of the person in a picture will show up if you hold the mouse pointer over the image.

July, 2000

Added a section for a Homestead tour, including an essay that Gramp wrote in 1906, just after its 100 anniversary as well as some pictures. Added the letter Gramp wrote the day after Dad was born. Added a list of wedding gifts that Sue had typed up to George and Carrie Butler's page. Added a page for Brett's family. Added list of Dad's ships in the Merchant Marines. Added the names of the towns that members of the Supply train came from (see individual company pages). Added some new information to the SBButler biography page as well as adding links to other pages on the site that are pertinent to his biography.

June, 2000

Added and updated the Related Links sections on the Edward H. Williams Jr. and S.B.Butler Letters pages. Fixed a reference to Duruy's History of France in one of Gramp's letters (was Durcy). Added a section called the S.B.Butler AEF Scrapbook first, at the bottom of the Letters page then expanded to its own home page including the company rosters and links to related letters and gallery pages. Added a page called About the Butler Family website.

May, 2000

Updated link to Virtual Boardwalk tour on SBButler letters pages, and added a link from Mom and Dad's biography to a new page with letters from Mom and Dad to Gramp during the 1940's. Registered the site under the domain name "CromwellButlers.com." Added Dad's picture to the home page, Removed page counters. Added some navigational links to the Supply Train location pages. Added picture of Gramp to SBButler Letters page.

April, 2000

Added some photos to Gallery section: Kids with Cousin Emily Strickland and a new page with pictures of Mom and Dad's Wedding.

March, 2000

Added a series of pages taking Elnathan Butler's side of the family back to John Butler.

February, 2000

Made corrections to Birthdays page. Added counters to several pages. Added links to the home page from the SBButler letters pages. Put Biographies on a separate page. Added link to Savage surname website. Added pages for Absalom Savage and his father Nathaniel. Added a series of Butler pages for ancestors of Geo. H. Butler, taking the family tree back to Deacon Richard Butler.

December, 1999

Added Gram and Gramps letters for June of 1919. Made corrections and additions to the Birthday page and the Descendants of George S. Butler page. Added Eric and Jodie's baby (Laine) as well as wedding info and other additons from Linda Catherine Brown. Added link to her web site on the home page. Also added letters from the Marquise de La Roche and Fred Leviseur to Gramp. While I was at it I updated the copyright dates.

November, 1999

Added navigation bar to top of main pages. Also added information to the John Henry page about the American Farm School. and added his and Susan House's birthdays to birthday page. Updated the Gallery section. Rearranged the pages and added 2 pages for Edward H. Williams III. Added several links to pages of Butler family stories on the Sewall T. Butler Family biography page.

September/October, 1999

Added a counter to the main page. Added Gram and Gramps letters for May of 1919.

August 16, 1999

Added a search page. Added Gram and Gramps letters for April of 1919.

June 20, 1999

Added Gram and Gramps letters for March of 1919. Includes some simple drawings of Gram's.

May 25, 1999

Added Gram and Gramps letters for January and February of 1919. Added jumps back and forth between the corresponding months of letters to his mother.

January 30, 1999

Added Gram and Gramps letters for November and December of 1918. Added jumps back and forth between the corresponding months of letters to his mother. Added a picture of Chateau de la Lande. Updated the September / October letters to correct the spelling of de La Rochefoucauld's name.

January 17, 1999

Added a place for downloading the Ancestors of George S. Butler and Carrie Savage Butler in tree form. Also made several corrections to the GSButler descendants page based on information from Michael Vaughn concerning his family. Added photo and new information to the William Lutz page. Updated the copyright information to include 1999.

December 17, 1998

Added Augustine Bemis page (Great-grandma Jennie's parents) and thumbnails to Family tree.

October 24, 1998

Added Gram and Gramps letters for August, September and October of 1918. Added jumps back and forth between the corresponding months of letters to his mother. A picture of Gramp as a baby is included in the September letters, and a picture of the de La Rochefoucauld's is in October.

September 23, 1998

Added biography page for Jackie Butler with link to Nathan's Art of Jacqueline Williams Bulter.

July 5, 1998

Added pages for the children of Sewall and Jackie Butler to the family tree section.

Added Gram and Gramps letters for July of 1918. Added jumps back and forth between the corresponding months of letters to his mother.

Added a page containing Malcom Macmillan's analysis of the Phineas Gage Story; which is part of the family lore concerning Dr. Edward H. Williams. Also added a picture of Dr. Williams as an older man.

June 15, 1998

Added link to Susan and Ken's Italian travel photos. Added a section of related links to the SBButler letters page.

Febuary 16, 1998

Added some relavant links to the E.H.Williams Jr. page, after finding references to him under the Tau Beta Pi Engineering society pages.

January 28, 1998

Added some links back and forth from Grams biography and Gallery page.

Added a link from Gramp's biography to the S.B.Butler School webpage

Added an updated picture of the kids on the S. T. Butler page

January 3, 1998

Added links to the Ralph Savage page for John, Frank and Watson and their families.

December 30, 1997

Added Gram and Gramps letters for March, April, May and June of 1918. Added jumps back and forth between the corresponding months of letters to his mother.

December 28, 1997

Added photo of Chauncey Warner. Added new photos of Kate Butler Warner and sons.

Added page Edward and Elizabeth (Savage) Coe and their children Anna and Raymond.

November 30 1997

Updated the Geo. Henry Butler page to include a new genealogy chart provided by Susan. I listed it as the descendants of Sylvester and Ann (Butler) Butler.

Updated page for Kate Butler Warner. Added a photo album section.

Added a page for Ernest Preston Butler.

Updated several pages to use Jpeg images instead of GIF. To make the pages load faster. (fam_tree.htm, ehw3.htm, ehw1.htm, ehwjr.htm, nwilliam.htm)

Added Isaiah J. Butler to GSButler descendants page.

Added this revision page. Therefore the following notes are somewhat sketchy.

October 6, 1997

Updated the William Lutz page to add descendant charts and new photos of Laura's sisters.

Added Tol and Linda's new baby, Isaiah James Butler to birthday list.

September, 1997

Added information on the Warner family. Added a page for Kate Butler Warner and updated the Geo. Henry Butler page.

Added picture of the Battersby children to "SBButler Letters to Eva, June 1917"

Added picture of Sylvester and Tot in Canoe to "SBButler Letters, September 1916"

March 1997

Added maps of places Gramp was stationed in France during World War I.

Updated and added to the Gallery Walk

December 1996

Added link to photos of Gramp with the Pleasantville Football team and Gram in the window to the "SBButler Letters, October 1916"

September 1996

Added the "visual" Family tree and all its related pages

Added a new Home page to change the focus to Butler family history

May 1996

Site first uploaded to Toto.com. Initially to house the SBButler letters from 1916 to 1919.

Spotlight on: Revolutionary Prisoner of War:

Nathaniel Savage Signature

Nathaniel Savage (father to Absalom Savage) was a prisoner of war during the American Revolution. He was held on the prison ship "Jersey" off Troggs Neck, NY, where he escaped over the ice during the winter.


Other family Websites:

David Butler Online

Brett Rabideau

Susan Czaja. Cromwell High School project


Other Genealogy sites

Cyndi's list of genealogy sites

Butler Society website

Ancestry.com | Ancestry Family Trees

Family Tree Magazine

This web site and all its content is Copyright © 1996-2025. The Butler Family of Cromwell CT. All rights reserved. Send comments, corrections and requests to

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