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SBButler Letters, July 1919

July 21, 1919
July 22, 1919
July 24, 1919

Rocky Hill, CT
July 21, 1919

To: Miss Eva Lutz
Sea Crest Inn
Cape May, New Jersey

Monday Evening


All ready for bed I am, but I don't feel ready, for I haven't had a goodnight kiss. Still, I sorta' feel that one has been blown up to me. I hope so.

You must be fast asleep now, for it's midnight. I have been sorting over all books, papers, letters & pictures in my possession since ten o'clock. We had to go down to the Homestead to get many which had been left there. (By the way, the first thing everyone asks me is "How did you leave Eva?") Among my things I have found a great deal which I never supposed I had - letters dating back to 1905, canceled checks for 6 years back, receipts for about 10 years. Mother's waste-basket is now quite full.

The announcements are all ordered and ought to get to Cape May by Saturday or Monday. I found Mr. Cook and registered with him; acquaintance with Miss Tolbert was a good introduction. He seems to take no little personal interest in his clients, and perhaps I shall be glad that I registered with him.

I finished my business in Phila[delphia] early, so took the 11:00 train for N. Y. , ate my lunch there, and came to Hartford on the same train which we took July 1st. How I have missed my traveling companion to-day! It made me mighty glad when the trip was over.

There were oceans of white fringed orchis [note - the picture of a Showy Orchis, a flower of the orchid family, in the National Audubon Society Field Guide shows a flowing white cupped flower with a purple hood over the top} near Cape May C. H. this morning, also a little beyond Sea Isle. And there {were] lots of Tiger lilies still further on.

And I stole a march on you and read two columns of Lit. Digest jokes - good ones, too, like having a woman come to a doctor for "that tired feeling" and being asked to let him see her tongue. Much more humorous than wondering why the high school teachers are all buying new hats or new sets of poker chips, etc. [ note - I guess you had to be there, as I don't get the jokes at all}

Here's a good-night kiss for my sweetheart. I wonder if it will wake you up. I don't care. I love you.

Your sweetheart.

Good morning, lady. Sweetheart Corner is still alive, though with the flowers gone to seed, the forget-me-not doesn't look very luxuriant. The myrtle is O. K. in every way.

I love you.

Rocky Hill
[July 22, 1919]
Tuesday Evening


I started right off on books and papers again this morning. Practically all day and evening I have been cutting out and pasting up clippings from a 3 year accumulation of New York Times Book Reviews. I have two scrap books of book review clippings classified by subject- groups. To go thru the batch I had was more of a job than I thought, somewhat more of one. So that I shall continue with books & papers in the morning.

I have only been out of the house once all day, which was to go down and get the evening mail.

Aunt Lucy and Mrs. Couch were up here spending the evening with Mother. I guess there is no other news.

Eva, please write me just as soon as you get this which is your favorite pattern of silverware. I was thinking that you told me the other day of a pattern which you especially liked, but I couldn't remember it. Now don't forget to do this, please, if there is a pattern which you are fond of.

It's been raining pitchforks all day, which has been another good reason for not going out.

I miss you so much, sweetheart. Good-night and lots of love.


Good-morning, dear. I wonder if it is still raining, raining, raining with you, too, as here. I hope it gets rained out by Aug. 4.

I love you.

Rocky Hill
[July 24, 1919]
Thursday evening

Dear Lady,

You wouldn't know me if you saw me today, for I am no longer in a position to receive salutes from the uniform. I not only have gotten together, sorted out, listed, and put away all my clothes today of whatever description, but have been to Hartford and bought what more was necessary. That "more" wasn't as much as I expected it would be, for I found lots of clothes I never knew I had, even a whole suit. The moths have been in most all my suits, and they'll have to have a little repairing. Fortunately my dress suit is untouched, and also my best summer suit, in which I am going to be married. At any rate, they fit without a quiver, and any hopes my young brother of falling heir to my wardrobe may have had are proven futile. For all of which I am duly thankful.

I have also bought some books today, among them the F. M. Farmer Cook- book, which I hope will be what you want. And I have signed up with still another teachers' agency. That ought to fetch something before the fall, surely. The new one is the Cary Teachers' Agency in Hartford, with a branch in Portland, Maine. Between the two they cover all New England. And I really would be so much better pleased to get located up here than in N. J. or near Phila. , but if the Cook agency finds me something good, well enough, I'll be glad to get settled and assurance of getting started.

Every day I see something new which it looks as though we would have to start housekeeping with, and for nothing. I'll tell you all about them when I get back.

All evening I have been making up my address list for our announcements. It was more than a ten minute job, I'm telling you; also I'm not going to have any too many with the 200, which are ordered. I claim that my scheme of thinking up my 175 names, without missing anyone I shouldn't, was very systematic. Of course I'm not boasting.

Well, here's a good-night kiss, sweetheart, and a whole heart-full of love.


P. S. I got my first letter this morning. S.

Good morning, girlie. Here's my love, and shall see you tomorrow if nothing fails.


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